Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Missing another MDVMUG Meeting!

Missing a single MDVMUG meeting? Ungood.

Missing back-to-back MDVMUG meetings? Doubleplus ungood.

Newspeak aside, I'll be missing another great evening in Catonsville. Though my excuse this time around is better than the last: I'll be doing some UCS work during an evening maintenance window. I'm just glad it's not the old NSF maintenance window from 00:00 to 08:00 Sunday.

If you're in the area, and have some free time in the evening, I strongly encourage you to attend. I've cajoled a few coworkers to swing by and listen to the presentation from Nutanix. If you're not familiar with Nutanix, spend some time on their site and learn about their hardware solution for virtualization. Along with PernixData, I think Nutanix is in the front of the pack when it comes to storage virtualization.

You'll also get an overview of the VMware Horizon suite, which can be refreshing for those of us who spend the bulk of our time in the data center space. The more I learn about Horizon, the more I like it.

Still need more convincing? Nutanix is giving away an iPad. So there's that.

Of course, I'll be attending the Potomac Regional VMware User Conference on June 13 in Washington, D.C. That's an amazing event put on by a ton of great sponsors, with heavy participation from VMware luminaries (last year, Cody Bunch and Alan Renouf were present to talk about automation and PowerCLI). Register here, and if you're going, I'll see you there.
